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Cityscape Journal

Cityscape Journal


We couldn't be prouder to offer journals featuring captivating cityscape artwork by local Portland, Or. artist, Ursula Barton.


Ursula's artwork beautifully captures the essence of Portland and brings to life the unique landmarks, and vibrant energy that makes Portland so special.  


Our selection of journals adorned with Ursula's cityscape art provides a wonderful opportunity to not only support a talented local artist but also to carry a piece of Portland with you.  Whether you're a resident, frequent visitor, or simply captivated by the allure of this vibrant city, these journals serve as a cherished memento and a tangible connection to Portland's artistic spirit. 


Embrace self-care with our cityscape journals. Allow the journal's pages to become a canvas for reflection, gratitude, and creative exploration.  Journaling is known to be a therapeutic practice to help nurture your wellbeing.


If you are interested in other artwork by Ursula Barton, please go to this website:


Self-Care Tip:  Set aside dedicated time each day to journal.  Write freely without judgement, expressing your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.  Use it as a tool for self- reflection, gratitude, and personal growth.  Journaling can provide clarity, release stress, and foster awareness.  Remember, it's your private space to explore and nuture your inner world. 

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